Rev. Gabe Brannon
Pictured below are Rev. Gabe Brannon, his wife Shea, and their children Uriah, Isla, and Abram.

My name is Gabe Brannon and I am the pastor of Union McMinn Baptist Church. I am a
follower of Christ, a husband, a father of three, and a pastor. I grew up in church and around
ten years old, I accepted Christ as Savior. Then when I was twelve I announced a call into
ministry. When I was seventeen I met the young lady (Shea) that I would eventually marry and
who would have our three beautiful children (Isla, Uriah, & Abram). God began to move me
into youth ministry when I was 21 and then around 24 He began to lead me to start pursuing
biblical training. I was blessed to be able to obtain my bachelor’s degree in biblical studies
through the Moody Bible Institute. Since completing my undergrad studies God has carried us
to Texas for ministry and for some seminary training and brought us back. I was blessed to
serve a church in Greenback as a bi-vocational pastor and after a couple of years, I was called to
Union McMinn. It has been an amazing life that God has blessed me with. He has given
salvation through Christ, blessed me with a wonderful family, and has allowed me to serve Him.
I am thankful to be able to serve here and we are excited to see what God is going to do here!